A DUI can be intimidating, with consequences like jail and hefty fines. However, there are alternatives to jail time for a DUI, including Ohio DUI classes. These driver intervention programs help people improve their safety knowledge and skills while giving drivers a second chance.
Common Questions about Driver Intervention Programs
The Ohio Driver Intervention Program (DIP) offers people arrested for a DUI an alternative to going to jail. It’s a common program for first-time DUI offenders. DIP consists of classes that teach people with DUI charges about drugs, alcohol, and how these substances affect drivers.
How Long Is a Driver Intervention Program?
The Ohio Driver Intervention Program courses are three days long. They usually consist of a total of 72 hours of programming. Programs are offered by various agencies or companies that are certified by Ohio Mental Health & Addiction Services. Programs consist of programming from morning through evening with breaks for meals.
Do I Have to Pay for DUI School in Ohio?
Yes, the DIP DUI School in Ohio does cost money to participate in. In fact, many of these courses take place at hotels and require you to stay overnight to complete the entire program during one whole weekend (over two or three days). However, there are assistance programs available to help pay fees for DIP.
Are Diversion Classes an Option for a Felony OVI?
Diversion classes are an option for a person charged with an OVI under Ohio Revised Code (ORC) 4511.19, including felony-level DUIs in Ohio. However, it is unlikely that the prosecutor will allow diversion classes for someone who is a repeat offender or caused a severe DUI car accident.
Can DUI School Be Completed Online?
The DIP program cannot be completed online. Although a 24-hour first-time offenders class may be offered online, the 72-hour diversion classes are not available online. They must be completed in person.
What to Expect at an Ohio DUI Program
Most DIP programs operate similarly. They take place over a 72-hour period at a hotel, camp, or similar location in Ohio. When you check in, you will be searched to ensure you don’t have any alcohol or controlled substances on you. You will also give any medications to a designated individual. You will have your luggage and necessary hygiene items in your room throughout the weekend.
You will likely check in on a Thursday night and begin classes on Friday morning. Classes will take place from early morning until evening hours, with occasional breaks. Courses will consist of small groups, large groups, speakers, and other educational and informational settings. You will learn about drugs and alcohol and how these substances affect drivers. You will be released from the program upon successful completion on Sunday night.
If you break any of the DIP program’s rules while taking part in it, the court will likely impose a traditional consequence like jail time. You will not have multiple opportunities to complete the DIP courses, so it’s essential to take them seriously when you have the opportunity.
How Do I Find DUI Classes Near Me?
There are Ohio DIP classes available in or near every county in Ohio. This allows anyone eligible for the program to have access to an in-person course. The Ohio DUI Driver Intervention Program is available in Cincinnati and throughout Ohio. The Ohio Mental Health & Addiction Services department lists all DIP Resource Providers by County.
Questions About DUI Programs in Ohio? Call LHA
If you’ve been charged with a DUI, you need to reach out to a lawyer who can help you negotiate an alternative to traditional consequences like jail. The DIP program is available to many people facing DUI charges in Ohio.
Contact Luftman, Heck & Associates to determine your options for taking the DIP program or other DUI education classes. Call (513) 338-1890 or use our online contact form to schedule a consultation.