Hamilton County OVI Case Dismissed

Posted On: August 15th, 2018 by Bradley J. Groene

Recently, a 30-year-old Hamilton County man was facing a charge for a third offense of operating a vehicle while intoxicated (OVI) refusal. His situation was particularly serious, as multiple OVIs within a 10-year period in Ohio bring with them harsh consequences, including:

  • Up to one year in jail (60 days of which would be mandatory)
  • Fines
  • A criminal record

Wanting to avoid these penalties, the man reached out to Cincinnati criminal attorney Brad Groene for help.

Attorney Groene immediately got to work on the case and filed for discovery. During this time, he reviewed video recordings of the initial stop and the police officer’s report of the incident. Through this, he saw that there was not much evidence available against the client. There was no breath test, and the client did well on the sobriety test he was asked to perform.

Due to his findings during discovery, attorney Groene requested a motion to suppress hearing. During this proceeding, he argued that the officer did not possess enough probable cause to continue the stop during which the client was initially suspected of an OVI. As a result, the charge was dismissed.

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