5 Protection Order Mistakes to Avoid | Luftman, Heck & Associates

5 Protection Order Mistakes to Avoid

Posted On: July 22nd, 2021 by Bradley J. Groene
Angry man yelling on phone call

Judges in Cincinnati and across Ohio grant protection orders when there is sufficient evidence of potential violence between a defendant and the alleged victim. A protective order forbids an individual to stay away from the other, sometimes with a specific distance – for example, cannot approach within 100 feet.

Have you had a protection order taken out against you? The penalties for violating a protection order are harsh, including arrest, fines, jail time, child custody, and visitation issues. You may be facing serious criminal charges in addition to this legal action. The last thing you need is to jeopardize an upcoming trial.

Here are five protection order mistakes to avoid. If you want to challenge a protection order that you believe is unfair or unwarranted, reach out to a Cincinnati domestic violence lawyer.

1. Do Not Contact the Protected Party

Most protection orders will prohibit you from contacting the alleged victim in person by phone, text, email, or mail. Avoid contact with the protected party or face penalties for violating the protection order.

2. Decline Contact with the Protected Party

A protective order legally prohibits you from contacting the other party, even if they initiate the contact. Sometimes the alleged victim calls the accused to try and smooth things over. It’s tempting to clear up the dispute without having to go to court. However, once issued by a judge, the protective order stays until lifted by the court.

If the other party tries to call or contact you, do not respond. Call your attorney. If you don’t have an attorney, call one.

3. Try to Keep Your Cool

The worst mistake you can make after a protection order is to lose your temper. Avoid all situations in which you might vent your anger and frustration toward the alleged victim. Any outburst or threat fuels the state’s case against you and justifies the protection order.

4. Understand the Terms of the Protection Order

Every protection order is different, with specific requirements. There are several different types of protection orders:

The relationship you have with your accuser will determine which type of protection order the Municipal or Civil court issues. A Domestic Violence, Temporary Protection Order, is typical for domestic violence charges. If you are accused of stalking the alleged victim, the court may grant an SSOOPO.

It is challenging to follow a protection order if you don’t understand it. If you are unclear about the terms and conditions, ask your attorney to explain the order so you can protect yourself from unintended violations.

5. Get Help with Your Case

You are at a disadvantage when you try to defend yourself against a protective order or domestic violence charges. A dedicated lawyer on your side can help you clear your name and reach the best possible outcome. Before you plead guilty, accept a plea bargain, or dispute a protective order on your own, get help. Qualified legal representation is the best way to resolve a protection order so you can get back to your life.

Contact a Domestic Violence Lawyer

Has a protection order been taken against you? At Luftman, Heck & Associates, we can help you understand your rights and what rules you need to follow. Get help clearing your name, so the protection order doesn’t adversely affect your life. Schedule your free, no-risk case review today.

Call our office at 513-338-1890 or fill out our convenient contact form to get help from a domestic violence lawyer in Cincinnati.